This post is a simple tip for blogger blog beginnners to add additional Html and scripts in their blogs.
Many Blogger Users ask how they could add some Scripts or Html to their blog after they have started their blogger blog. Probably, after their first one if not couple of blogs. So i am targeting this post for beginners of the blogger and hope this post will be beneficial for them.

Adding Html/Javascript in Blogger

Blogger in a sentence explains this gadget as “Add third-party functionality or other code to your blog.” Yes, in blogger, you can add Html and javascript via gadget. This is usually good for options of adding some gadgets in your blog that contains Html or javascript code.
To make it easier for beginners, here’s screen by screen tutorial for adding scripts in blogger.
1.  Log in to your dashboard–> Navigate to layout
Blogger Edit Html
2. Click on “Add a Gadget” where you need to add Html/Javascript.
Blogger Add a Gadget
3. A Pop-up window will open and select the Click on “Add a Gadget” and select “HTML/Java Script”.
Blogger Add Html Javascript
4. This will open the box for the Html/Javascript.
Blogger Html Javasript
In the content box, add the Html/Javascript. Make sure you also have a proper title to describe your gadget. It also has got some of the formatting options.
5. Save the Html/Javascript and go on to your page to see how it looks.
Did you experience any problems? Let us know in the comments below and we will be ready to help.

Published by Pradeep Singh

Pradeep is your host at BloggerUser helping you to build your blog by providing Blogger tips, tutorials, guides, free blogger templates and more.

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