{"id":507,"date":"2010-10-29T01:38:49","date_gmt":"2010-10-29T01:38:49","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/bloggeruser.com\/?p=507"},"modified":"2015-09-13T22:05:11","modified_gmt":"2015-09-13T22:05:11","slug":"making-blogger-blogs-safer-on-web","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/bloggeruser.com\/making-blogger-blogs-safer-on-web\/","title":{"rendered":"Making Blogger Blogs Safer on Web"},"content":{"rendered":"

Spam has become a big problem on\u00a0blogger blogs<\/a>\u00a0with a rapid growth of its users. Being an easy platform to create a page and web presence, many spammers are targeting blogspot and so is malicious content growing on blogspot blogs.<\/p>\n

Blogger in the context is trying its best to fight against the spammers to stop the abuse.<\/p>\n


In a recent post<\/a>, Blogger mentions they have partnered with other abuse-fighting teams within Google<\/a> to develop sophisticated systems for automatically detecting and quarantining nefarious content on Blogspot.<\/p>\n

\nThat\u2019s even a better. Hopefully the algorithms of blogger used to classify and quarantine malicious blogs are also improved with this.<\/p>\n

Blogger already has a bad reputation of deleting its blogs randomly, one more reason why people don\u2019t want to go for blogger. But I think this should now only be a myth and blogger<\/a> has worked on trends of pointing out thousands of malicious blogs for years.<\/p>\n

Spam levels have also comparatively decreased in the recent blogger stats. Despite all, Blogger still encourages you to submit suspicious blogs with its report abuse feature. You can also directly report blogger<\/a> about such blogs.<\/p>\n

\nHere are some more Practices for Making Blogs safer on web;<\/p>\n

Table of Contents<\/p>